Ode to thirty...

another birthday here and gone. but is it really? some might celebrate with a special day, or week, but alas, as the people i care about are spread across the globe, and the time to do things scattered, i would like to welcome you all to the year of the thirty.
so far the celebration is off to a good start; i got a WONDERFUL package from the family on friday (thanks!!) and then saturday was pure indulgence, starting with a "spa day" of a hair cut, massage and pedicure (i love living in Africa, my feet don't). followed by a wine, cheese and chocolate party for eight fantastic women at my house. it served a dual purpose, not just a chance to celebrate life, but also a chance to get to know one another better. well, and to eat and drink lots, too. that night, we

and for the rest of the year of the thirty? well, i will take it as it comes. i am having a joint b-day party with some of my Malawian colleagues next weekend, and there is a five day road trip to Mozambique in a few weeks. then a hike up mount Mulanje and trip to Zanzibar, then...
cha bwino!