Malawi Trip Tracker

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Ode to thirty...

another birthday here and gone. but is it really? some might celebrate with a special day, or week, but alas, as the people i care about are spread across the globe, and the time to do things scattered, i would like to welcome you all to the year of the thirty.

so far the celebration is off to a good start; i got a WONDERFUL package from the family on friday (thanks!!) and then saturday was pure indulgence, starting with a "spa day" of a hair cut, massage and pedicure (i love living in Africa, my feet don't). followed by a wine, cheese and chocolate party for eight fantastic women at my house. it served a dual purpose, not just a chance to celebrate life, but also a chance to get to know one another better. well, and to eat and drink lots, too. that night, we joined up with some other folks and went to an outdoor party at a neighborhood bar. sunday was my day, and i loved the no agenda day - the first in a long time. but perhaps the best was arriving to work to a long list of birthday emails, even a b-day video from my bestest boston friends who go together our neighborhood bar to sing for me! AND some calls... well, i certainly feel very special, and very connected even over the distance...thanks to you all.

and for the rest of the year of the thirty? well, i will take it as it comes. i am having a joint b-day party with some of my Malawian colleagues next weekend, and there is a five day road trip to Mozambique in a few weeks. then a hike up mount Mulanje and trip to Zanzibar, then...

cha bwino!