One Week Down, already????

things here are good... flying by! i am in the last hours of my first full week of work, and they have just thrown me into everything, which is a good way to pick stuff up (though at times overwhelming). i just completed an abstract looking at using serial HIV testing instead of parallel HIV testing. its all data based, and i will work on the theory for a paper. very interesting stuff. they also have me involved in some drug resistance studies, a pilot of an electronic data system, and data triangulation. ok, if some of that sounds vague, its because a lot of it is still vague to me. but most importantly i am learning lots and lots!
adjustment is going well. i have a new temporary living situation with a woman, Helen, who is on a three month assignment from ATL. she's really nice, and its great to have the space and company. i continue the house hunt this afternoon. i would say that my biggest concern at this point is the lack of mobility. this town is so spread out and no real taxis. so for the first time in 7 years, i think i might own a car.
no real plans this weekend. i think i will just spend the days wandering the city, maybe catching up on some work. hope you all are well!