Friday, September 29, 2006
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Sunday, September 24, 2006
Lessons Learned, or perhaps remembered

its only been a week, but if i tried to remember all that has happened, or even write all that i remembered, i would need an entire blog site for this one entry. so just the highlights...
in the seven years since i first moved to namibia, i somehow forgot how amazing and exciting and fun it can be to just move to a place where everything, absolutely everything, is different and new - comical at times. every person i have met here has been fantastic - our office staff are very down to earth, committed to what they do, true inspirations. on top of that, they make sure to look after their own, including the newbie down the hall! i've also met a couple of swell folks through volleyball (yeah!! i found a team) and out on the town. the guidebooks were not exaggerating when they refered to Malawi as "the warm heart of Africa". i've been trooping around alot with Helen, who i am currently living with, and Ann, my future roomie, with what seems like endless adventures.

the last few years, i forgot how funny it can be to have a car that won't start and a high heel as the only tool for repair (it works - check out the pic of Ann closely); or to have a spider the size of your head crawl up to your dinner table at a restaraunt, and some gentleman appear from nowhere to squash it - yummy. i forgot how big the smiles are when you say something right in the local language (chiChewa), how big the laughs are when you say it slightly wrong (hopefully i haven't offended anyone too much), and as embarrasing as it is, i can't help but laugh myself. i forgot how great a cold beer and a shower are after a long, dusty day and how wonderful it feels to be in bed by 10pm for a full 8 hours of sleep.... every night. i think that already my body likes me a lot more.
but at the same time, i find myself also remembering that entirely new places with entirely new people can be extremely tough. over the last week, i have found myself frustrated by not always understanding which line to stand in, who to go to for help, how much things really should cost and how to bargin for reasonable prices (i have always HATED price negotiating!). i am also remembering the pains of not being able to call and email friends and family at the drop of the hat, especially with the 6 hour time delay, and most especially when i need to talk with someone who knows me better and longer than people here (nice and wonderful as they are). of course, i remember all of this in the context of soon, much of this will make sense - i'll know which lines to get into, and what stamp to have placed on the paper for approval, and that soon enough, i will be able to call and email more easily. par for the course, and ultimately, its a really great course, which is the most important lesson remembered this week!
so with that, i send lots of love your way.....
Friday, September 15, 2006
One Week Down, already????

things here are good... flying by! i am in the last hours of my first full week of work, and they have just thrown me into everything, which is a good way to pick stuff up (though at times overwhelming). i just completed an abstract looking at using serial HIV testing instead of parallel HIV testing. its all data based, and i will work on the theory for a paper. very interesting stuff. they also have me involved in some drug resistance studies, a pilot of an electronic data system, and data triangulation. ok, if some of that sounds vague, its because a lot of it is still vague to me. but most importantly i am learning lots and lots!
adjustment is going well. i have a new temporary living situation with a woman, Helen, who is on a three month assignment from ATL. she's really nice, and its great to have the space and company. i continue the house hunt this afternoon. i would say that my biggest concern at this point is the lack of mobility. this town is so spread out and no real taxis. so for the first time in 7 years, i think i might own a car.
no real plans this weekend. i think i will just spend the days wandering the city, maybe catching up on some work. hope you all are well!
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Day 2

the last two days have been a whirlwind; in fact, it's hard to believe that i have only been here two days. yesterday, i spent the afternoon looking at housing options. i haven't found the perfect fit yet. right now i am in a b&b and will probably move into a temporary house for a few weeks. after all of my movement this summer, i am ready to find my home for the year and settle in, but like most things in malawi, that will have to happen in due time.

after the housing search, i had dinner with two other CDCers and then out to see a live Malawian band. today, i headed to the lake with an interesting crew (bilharzia, what bilharzia? famous last words) and got back just in time for a braai at my mentors house. so far, everyone has been great!
tomorrow is my first day in the office. i have yet to talk work plans, expectations, etc, but there seems to be plenty to do and also some flexibility for me to tailor the work to my skills and interest. i certainly feel ready to get started.
more to come....

Saturday, September 09, 2006
I'm here....

its now 24 hours since i arrived in Malawi, and its all a bit of a blur. i have now met my two primary mentors, John and Mark, who are both super helpful and warm. i will go out later with Mindy, another CDCer who has been great in helping me prepare for my arrival. we haven't talked shop yet, which is fine because i am still incoherent, but all the great things that i have heard about them in Atlanta certainly hold true.
in my brief tourings thus far, there is certainly lots that i am excited about, and i think those of you who were in Namibia with me or who have traveled in the region can certainly appreciate this - there is a Nandos not too far!! what a silly thing to be excited about, but well i am.
the two general impressions about Lilongwe is that it is very small, yet spread out, and very quiet. i hesitate to say too much about lilongwe now, because i haven't seen much, but i think its safe to say that its comfortable and friendly and will be a very pleasant place to work and live.
i will certainly post more soon, once there is more to post, but wanted to let everyone now that i have arrived safely and all is well.
stay well, b