Malawi Trip Tracker

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Friends of Kasitu - a chance to make a difference in malawi

Kasitu Foundation is a new grassroots NGO in Malawi. It is formed by the people of Kasitu village in a remote district of Nkhotakota. It exists to fight HIV/AIDS through economic empowerment, health education and facilitating access to care for those infected and affected by HIV. The community has high HIV/AIDS prevalence and has experienced high mortality rates in recent years. However, the NGO is struggling to take form due to lack of resources, and would like to include an income generating project to subsidize their activities.

In July, my friend Ali Maiorano will visit and spend some time working with Kasitu Foundation. Ali, a talented artist and designer, will work with a handful of women from Kasitu on marketable sewing projects that use the beautiful, colourful and locally available chitenges. The project is not finalized, but some ideas include baby blankets, wall hangings, table runners or satchel bags. Prototypes will be sent to local tourist shops and the foundation will continue to make and sell the items in order to support their HIV work.

This an incredible opportunity for both Ali and Kasitu Foundation, and also for us. The start up costs are minimal (approximately $800) after which the foundation will sustain their own supplies through their profits. By making a small donation, your efforts can snowball into a long term project that affects many people.

Any and all donations are accepted – including words of support. If you are interested to make a monetary donation, please send a check to my mom, Alice Hedt, at the address below. She will deposit into my account and I will draw the moneys from Malawi. Please make checks to Bethany Hedt, with "Kasitu Foundation" on the subject line.

Alice Hedt
Attn: Kasitu Foundation
4100 Elsie Ct.
Landover Hills, MD 20784

(Please note that Kasitu Foundation does not have non-profit status in the US and so donations are greatly appreciated, but not tax deductible.)
I have included some photos from my visit to Kasitu for New Years and also of my wonderful friend Ali. Please email if you have more questions (
Zikomo! b

mental (health) day

my mom taught me well.... when the going gets tough, the tough take a morning off of work and try and get their life back in order. alas, i find myself in a mental health morning (couldn't manage the whole day off) trying to catch up on life. trying to re-establish myself with friends and family - i am even neglecting my malawi friends. oh, and pay bills.

but other than the super long hours - more days than not working past 10pm. more days than not coming to the office before 6am - i am a super satisfied. my work is challenging, stimulating and productive (no small feat for africa!). several of my "projects" are charging forward. i have facilitated the debut of our electronic data system for use in HIV treatment clinics, an activity 2 years in the making. and it didn't implode, even though i waited a little late to develop the materials (i refuse to publicly admit how late) because was consumed by something else. it was exciting, and i was proud to have a hand in it.

at the same time, our drug resistance monitoring projects move along. though i will say, i am AMAZED by the "politics" that can surround something so straight forward. and this is on all sides - malawi, US, geneva. but, blinders on, we are moving, and at the end of the day, getting both excellent results and excellent feedback.

and there is this and there is that, including a two week trip for a conference in rwanda, and its good. but we are also in a strange transition here. my closest work colleagues are both leaving between now and when i leave (which is only about 3 months away), which will result in CDC malawi loosing half of its technical staff (and all of its strategic info/surveillance/m&e/data pushing/nerdy staff). as last to go, i feel like my work scope will change a lot over the next bit.

anyways, i should keep this short, because at the same time as i post this, i am also posting a request for money. i am SOOOOO tacky. but i do it because i know yall tolerate me, tackiness and all.
